Account Security

Cyber Security Training

Cyber Security Training 1-18-18

Citi Program Internet Security Training

Protecting Yourself from Phishing Attacks

To protect yourself from Phishing:

1. If someone sends you are document or link out of the blue or without a clear context – email them or call them to check whether they sent it to you. Be very careful of generic looking emails (e.g. “Hi I thought you’d be really interested in this document”). Also, recognize that those who execute Phishing attacks can take over someone’s email and send replies (or have automated responses that mimic replies) that would lead you to believe that the sender and the link you were sent is legitimate. When in doubt, don’t open anything you are not expecting.

2. If you hover your pointer/arrow above the link without clicking on it the URL will appear: check to make sure it makes sense. If there is a Google link, but the URL is Dropbox, don’t open it. In general, if it doesn’t make sense, its not something you want to open.

3. If you click on a message and it asks for confidential information such as your phone number or password – stop. Beyond checking with the sender, you can also look at the address/URL to get a sense if it genuine (and even here be careful – some phishers create domains that look genuine but different in a letter or two)

4. If you think you have given away confidential information protect yourself. If you have entered your password, change your password immediately (in all locations where you use the same or a similar password).

Read more about how to protect yourself here:

7 Tips to Protect Against Phishing

Google Account - Prevent Phishing

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