Sharing & publishing data
Learn more about using our Cary Data Repository, powered by Figshare. See the quick guide below to get started, or scroll down this page for detailed user guides. Publishing your data in our repository will generate a DOI for easy data citation and reuse, and make it discoverable through DataOne!
Ostfeld, Richard; Oggenfuss, Kelly; LaDeau, Shannon (2024). Host Trap Data - mice and chipmunk.
Quick guide to using the Cary Data Repository
Fill out the Cary Research Metadata template/deposit form and send it to
*This is required, and must be submitted before your data will be published*
Log in to the Cary Data Repository at with your Cary network credentials
Click on Upload in the upper right corner (click on My Data to see work you have saved, or items already published)
Drag & drop files to upload. Note, If you don't upload a README, a public version of the deposit form will be generated during the review process
Fill out all of the mandatory fields. Tip: add yourself and other authors using ORCIDs
Be comprehensive. For example, do include your funding information
Click on Save Changes (you may return to your work later)
When you're ready to publish, click on Submit for Review.
Data review usually takes 1-2 days. Please build this into your project timeline.
Sometimes there is a domain repository that may be a better option for your data. A few are listed below, or browse the Registry of Research Data Repositories for others.
Environmental Data Initiative (EDI). A reliable, registered and certified trustworthy data repository for ecological research data. EDI is supported by NSF, and its team provides assistance with data curation, structured metadata (EML), and data submission
NCBI biological repositories. "NCBI advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information." Bioinformatics databases of the National Library of Medicine(NLM)/National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI) include GenBank, Sequence Read Archive (SRA), GEO. Learn how to submit your genetics or bioinformatics data to these curated databases.
Forest Ecology Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC). A partnership of forest ecology monitoring organizations across the northeast. Find EMMA data archived here.
Dryad Digital Repository. Document and upload your metadata or data to Dryad if you would like it associated with a specific publication. Dryad provides a digital identifier (DOI) for your data, making it easy to cite!