Data Management

For help with data management, please contact Amy Schuler, extension 164.

Do you create, collect, manipulate or manage research data for yourself or your lab?

If the answer is yes, then you are responsible for data management.

Data management is the organization and planning for data throughout the research cycle. At any point during your work, there are actions you may take to ensure that your data is accessible for short and long-term use. These actions should give you peace of mind, and help you meet evolving expectations by funding agencies such as the NSF.

  • Easy steps you can take TODAY to manage your data,

    • Back up your data - strive toward at least three copies, distributed between multiple locations (e.g. laptop, external drive, Cary cloud network). Discuss back up solutions with Amy or Jon if you have questions or concerns.

    • Organize your data - do you have file naming conventions? Are they intuitive? Take some time to organize your files and folders.

    • Document your data - creating documentation, or metadata, will help you (and others) understand your data in the future. See Writing Good Metadata for tips.

    • Assistance with all aspects of data management is provided by Cary Institute staff. Please discuss your data needs with us early in your project planning process! Speak with Amy Schuler, Information Technology or Communications staff about how to manage and/or share your data.